Partner With Us

Commission a course

Looking for something outside our portfolio?

If you need training that is tailored to your needs, Education for Health offers a flexible and responsive service. We can deliver a module, training programme or consultancy service at a time that suits you and your team(s). We also have expertise in creating eLearning modules around our key clinical competencies, and have recently developed a series of 4 modules around an introduction to how the NHS works.

We know that these are challenging times, which is why our education and training is designed to be flexible, allowing participants to access much of their learning at a time and place that is suitable for them. We work with you to create flexibility and maximise learning time.

Personalising our existing portfolio

We are happy to personalise our existing training to fit your specific requirements. Just let us know what you are looking to achieve, and we will help you create the best package for you.

In addition to providing a standard portfolio of courses, we work with partners to create customised options. Anything from a one off webinar through to modular programmes to eLearning; we draw on our clinical, eLearning development, personal development and consultancy expertise.

Contact us

To talk to one of our Partnerships team about the range of support and expertise we can offer, please email [email protected] and we’ll be in touch.