Who We Are


Education for Health is a company limited by guarantee and a charity registered with the Charities Commission.

We are led by our Chief Executive who is supported by a Senior Leadership Team and guided by a Board of Trustees.

Legal information

Education For Health is registered in England and Wales at No. 1, Lowes Lane Business Park, Lowes Lane (off Walton Road), Wellesbourne, Warwickshire CV35 9RB.
Charity Registration Number: 1048816
Company Registration Number: 03090774
Education for Health is a company limited by guarantee.

All subsidiaries are incorporated in England.
Education for Health Trading Limited, National Respiratory Training Centre Limited and Respiratory Education UK were dormant throughout the year and prior year.

  • Education for Health Trading Limited
    Company number 03281397
  • National Respiratory Training Centre Limited
    Company number 05630081
  • Respiratory Education UK
    Charity Registration Number: 1073428
    Company Registration Number: 03632077
    Respiratory Education UK is a company limited by guarantee.

Education for Health complies with UK Antislavery and anti-human-trafficking legislation.