The Importance of Medical Training in Tackling Cardiovascular Disease:

23rd August 2023

Tackling Cardiovascular Disease: The Role of Medical Training

Our latest blog explores the importance of training for healthcare professionals in managing cardiovascular disease (CVD).

The current CVD challenge

CVD is largely preventable… Yet in 2021 almost 700,000 people died from heart disease; this compares with 170,000 deaths from cancer and 62,000 from respiratory conditions. 

What’s more, if you live in a deprived area, you are more likely to have CVD. Parts of Scotland have the highest levels with 315 cases per 100,000 people. Within England, Humber has the highest rates with 227 cases per 100,000 people. CVD is currently a huge health issue.

So, what does all this mean and what can we do about it? This question brings us to the ongoing discussion about super processed foods and their effects on health, particularly CVD and diabetes. When you look around the western world, and in particular the countries with growing economies such as China and India, their prevalence of CVD and diabetes is growing, as are their waistlines. 

The twenty-first century provides us with more knowledge about health and wellbeing than ever before. There have been significant strides in medicine, more advanced procedures and more effective medicines. Yet we find ourselves facing significant health challenges, and not only because we live longer. 

cardiovascular disease training is critical to patient care.

Pressures and prevention

We know the NHS is under pressure; a combination of post covid recovery and strikes. It is however disappointing that within the priorities there is little mention of prevention. How can we reduce waiting times or hospital admissions if very little, if any investment of time and money is spent on raising awareness and preventing illness in the first place?  

As CVD is highly preventable, a focus on prevention could significantly impact the demand this condition places on an already over stretched health service.

What can we do to help?

With so many people living with conditions under the CVD umbrella, the importance of education and training for health and care professionals is crucial. The high numbers of patients with, not only CVD, but with co-morbidities, leads to complexity when managing treatment options. The knowledge gained from education and training courses is key in supporting the delivery of high quality care. 

Education for Health is dedicated to giving healthcare professionals the knowledge and know-how to support their patients. We provide this through education, training, and support resources. In addition by partnering with other like-minded organisations, we are able to offer a holistic approach. 

By offering education, training and support we play our part in upskilling the people on the frontline who are dealing with the challenges brought about by the rise in cardiovascular disease. Together we can make a difference!

For more information about Education for Health’s CVD courses, including accredited Higher Education modules and workshops at both introductory and refresher levels, please visit our Online Shop.
